Monday, January 30, 2012

Narrative Poems

I was ready!
Well I thought I was
I got butterflies in my stomach
And I suddenly got dizzy
I had to sit down
It was drawing closer and closer
Everybody was doing so well
I thought I would mess up
But my Mam told me to go for it
So I did
I was really happy at where I came
The advice really worked!
by Katie Cleere, 6th Class.   

 Going to my Uncles House
Me and Daddy went to my uncle’s farm
One Saturday morning
At 9 o clock.

He has horses.
We had to clean out stables.

The dumper truck is very dangerous
So I listened to my uncle.
We put the horses’ dirt into the dumper truck
By Cormac Maher, Fifth Class

The Advice
Before the match
I was wallowing in tears
My father came into the room

He asked  
Whats wrong?

And I said
I feel I’m not good enough to start
He said if you try and believe…
I felt better after that.
 by Jack Kealy, Sixth Class

The Good Advice 
When I was having a problem
Jumping my horse,
I didn’t know what to do,

My dad was watching me
So I rode over to him
And asked him what to do.

He told me to squeeze with my legs
And to hold on to the mane.
And the next time round, I made it!
I got off my horse and patted her.
I brought her in for a treat,
I was very proud of her.

It was good advice.
By Claire Egan, 5th Class

The Night Before Training

One day
It was March
It was the night before training.
I was scared
It was my first night of traning
I was scared of hitting a sliotar
Then mammy gave me some advice
I felt confident
Then I went traning
I had a fun time
I wasn’t scared any more
It was better that way too.
 By Molly Behan, Fifth Class
Tidy, Tidy, Tidy
It was a nice Tuesday morning
I had to tidy my room,
But of course I didn’t want to.
So Mammy told me,
Not to put everything under my bed
And to put everything where it belongs.
So I did
And it didn’t take as long as I thought,
It was quicker than stuffing everything under my bed.
So I said
“Thank you Mammy
The advice you gave me really worked”.
By Sarah Walton, 5th Class

Piano Trouble
One night when I was in my room,
I started to play my piano,
I played all my songs...
But one
It was the hardest song I had.
Mammy came in and told me
‘If I stay at the song I would like it.’
I thought it would not work,                                   
But I still tried it,
When I started it I thought I would never like it,
But now it is my favourite song.
by Patrick Walton, 6th Class

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